Goji Juice

Goji juice is produced from the marvelous little fruit, the goji berry. The Himalayan berries are larger than the Chinese goji berry and sweeter tasting. These goji berries are made into a rich and healthy juice that just may help you live a longer and healthier life!



Goji Juice

Why drink Goji Juice? The goji berry may be the most significant health discovery ever. And, it's natural! Scientists have revealed that goji berry contains incredible health and longevity properties. The mountains of the Himalayas produce the most powerful goji berries. This tiny fruit may possibly be the most nutritionally concentrated food on earth. If you are looking for a supplement that will cause you to be healthier and live longer, goji juice might be the answer you are looking for.

Goji Berries  
If you are looking for an anti aging food, certain substances found in goji berries make it the perfect food. Inside goji berries are polysaccharides, which strengthen the immune system. A material that stimulates the discharge of the human growth hormone by the pituitary gland has been found in a polysaccharide in the goji berry. This youth hormone makes goji berries the perfect natural enhancement to any anti aging program.

Goji Berry Juice

Goji berries contain all 8 essential amino acids and 19 forms of amino acids. Bee pollen contains six time less amino acids. Goji berries also contain up to 21 trace minerals. The main minerals include iron, zinc, calcium, copper, selenium and phosphorus.

Goji berries contain more beta carotene than carrots and more than 500 times the amount of vitamin C than oranges (measured by weight). Also inside the goji berry are vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. This unique berry packs in a lot of health benefits into one jug of goji berry juice.